What happens to proofs stored above 700k increment?

I think you misread what was said, Cassie was saying that before the update having proof increments above 700,000 would have caused invalid proofs without the aforementioned update.

  1. The difficulty is max 200,000 if the increment is 0. The minimum difficulty is 25,000.
    You can see the calculation here:
    ceremonyclient/node/crypto/wesolowski_frame_prover.go at main · QuilibriumNetwork/ceremonyclient · GitHub
difficulty := 200000 - (increment / 4)

if difficulty < 25000 || increment > 800000 {
	difficulty = 25000
  1. No, that isn’t correct. If you updated your node to (if you want rewards for your 700K+ increment proofs), then the migration will be applied automatically-- it just won’t do anything if your latest proof increment at time of migration is below 699,999.
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