Running a good few nodes using LaMat’s script. Majority of my nodes are ok, with no issues at all. However, when I query the peer manifest (difficulty metric) I get this error (see screenshot) on a handful of nodes and I can’t figure out what can be the issue.
Nodes are running for days now, so it’s not a new node.
GRPC calls are set up successfully.
Node logs look ok without errors or crashes.
My nodes are visible to boot strap nodes.
Reboot doesn’t solve the issue.
If I query the node version/peer id, I get a successful result.
Rewards are accumulating continuously.
All nodes are updated to 1.4.20-p1
Anyone has any ideas what could it be?
June 30, 2024, 9:29pm
Thanks for sharing this. It looks like a bug, but not sure where. Could you link to the script that you’re using?
I edited the title to make it easier to find for others, hope you don’t mind!
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Tagging @LaMat on this topic as the issue of topic is from his script he authored
July 1, 2024, 7:00am
this is the script
# This script installs grpcurl, jq, and base58 if they are not already installed,
# then retrieves peer information from a Quilibrium node.
# Step 0: Welcome
echo "✨ Welcome! This script will retrieve your Qnode peer manifest ✨"
echo "Made with 🔥 by LaMat -"
echo "====================================================================================="
echo ""
echo "Processing... ⏳"
sleep 7 # Add a 7-second delay
# Export some variables ot solve the gRPCurl not found error
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
# Install gRPCurl if not installed
if which grpcurl >/dev/null; then
This file has been truncated. show original
and this is the snippet to retrieve the manifest
Command to retrieve peer information
get_peer_info_command="peer_id_base64=\$(grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8337 quilibrium.node.node.pb.NodeService.GetNodeInfo | jq -r .peerId | base58 -d | base64) && grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8337 quilibrium.node.node.pb.NodeService.GetPeerManifests | grep -A 15 -B 1 \"\$peer_id_base64\""
Hi @LaMat for that part of your code above, I think you should limit the output result by making it into
grpcurl -plaintext -max-msg-sz 5000000 localhost:8337 quilibrium.node.node.pb.NodeService.GetPeerManifests
July 1, 2024, 12:25pm
Thank you!
I have been into scripting for only 90 days, so I still miss obvious things here and there
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Thank you all for your reply!