Qclient - how does it work on Windows without a node?

Hey everyone,
as we approach 2.0 I set up a client on my Windows PC to store my QUIL tokens, but there are still some things I don’t understand.

The client should work even without a node AFAIK, but there are no keys anywhere.

What I did on Windows is the following:

  • Install Go v1.20.11 for Windows: https://go.dev/dl/go1.20.11.windows-amd64.msi
  • Install Git Bash (64-bit installer) & Launch Git Bash
  • Clone the Quilibrium git repo:
    git clone https://github.com/QuilibriumNetwork/ceremonyclient
  • Navigate to the ceremonyclient/client: cd ceremonyclient/client
  • Build the Quilibrium software: go build -o qclient
  • Obtain your Quilibrium address: ./qclient token balance
    This still shows a demo value

The only thing missing here are the keys.

Thanks for any input on this!

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Replying to myself:
The method I use to run the client on Windows is not the best one.

Much simpler to use WSL.
Great tutorial here for WSL : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxTW22y8zV8

Then simply follow these steps: Setting up your Node (v1.4.21) – Quilibrium Guide


I consolidated everything I learned in this little guide: