Why are my rewards reduced for 1.4.18?

Hey guys, I’ve been running the node from 1.4.17, I updated my node to 1.4.18 on time too generating decent rewards.

Now I’ve still not updated to 1.4.19, neither I have setup the backup services for the .config folder.
But when I checked my address in the rewards page, I should see my old rewards in the pre-1.4.18 section right ?

But they are way less when I last checked the rewards update, what is going on ?


Appreciate the quick reply. I’m still really not sure, where can I find my old rewards?
Are they gone?

I’m refraining from updating the nodes because it might/might not purge my data that is stored there in the node. (Is there any worth saving?)

Thanks in Advance

You can update. Your post 1.4.18 rewards are not held by the store folder, that only happens for post 1.4.19 rewards.
1.4.18 rewards calcs got down for everyone because of bugs and to avoid huge inflation… read the text I linked.


What about the rewards from the 1.4.17 version ?
Because in the rewards page I can see the post and pre 1.4.18 rewards, and 1.4.17 rewards should technically appear in pre-1.4.18 rewards, but I can see for my nodes, all those rewards have disappeared.

I get the point for the 1.4.18 update, but what about the 1.4.17 $QUIL ?
Was it just purged ?

Update: In the last rewards page update done about a month back, I had the proper rewards.

Thanks in advance

I am really not sure. I can see all my pre 1.4.18 rewards without issues.

Okay, whom from the team should I contact about this issue ?

As there is no “team” the best route is to try and catch @cassie
Maybe @0xOzgur can help too

All pre-1.4.18 rewards can be found in https://quilibrium.com/rewards/pre-1.4.18.json – the commit history has only two events:

  1. The addition of the file in the first place to provide the pre-1.4.18 rewards, accidentally named pre-1.18.json
  2. The commit to rename it to pre-1.4.18.json.

There have been no changes to the actual rewards for pre-1.4.18 since its addition to the rewards page.