Why I'm quitting Quilibrium

Hi team,

First of all, thanks everyone for the adventure, and thanks to Cassie for the awesome work and support ! :slight_smile:

On the 28th of June, I’m 90% sure I won’t renew a huge float of servers that I invested in, because it is just too pricey an adventure.

As time goes by, the adventure got more and more sour, until drinking water feels like vinegar :broken_heart:

  1. “More cores, more rewards” I invested a lot in servers based on that statement, building up a huge park of 64-core AMD EPYC/RYZEN and 128-core AMD EPYC machines. These servers were doing great in version 1.4.18.

  2. I upgraded all the RAM of my 64-core servers to respect the 1:2:4 ratio, with what I thought would be a very pertinent investment.

  3. Version 1.4.19 arrives and:

a) Now RAM is not that important => Costly RAM upgrade for nothing. Sour x1 :pleading_face:

b) Earning 2 quils/hour on all the servers, 64-core or even the monster 128-core machines, costing $1500/month => Oh god. Sour x2 :face_with_spiral_eyes:; but I voted against the inflation, and to keep things as they are because I think it’s best for Q.

c) There was a bug for 128 cores; it is solved, but changes nothing. Rewards are still the same => Sour x3 :confounded:

d) It has been said that the interval between rewards will get 3-5x faster approaching version 2.0, so I held onto my not-at-all profitable server infrastructure. At least, I was planning to keep all the 64-core servers (having already lost too much money on the 128-core servers that are performing so poorly) because I expected this time interval to get reduced as time went by. I invested even more to build up a giant float so the nodes would be up as soon as version 1.4.19 was active and gain this “fidelity/seniority” advantage => Approaching version 2.0, I see no difference in my rewards. And now we have more information that the 3-5x increase is not guaranteed, and that “some servers” will just see a x2 improvement in the interval. Checking on my server, I can see only a tiny (frightening) change… Sour x4 :exploding_head:

Today, I’m having trust issues with what we can expect with Q, the rewards, and being on the network. And in 3 days, I have this decision to make: to renew a giant float of 64-core servers, hoping for a x2 reward in 2 weeks but seeing so little change at the moment.

I based so many things and my strategy on what was considered the good way to go (ratio 1:2:4, more cores/rewards, rewards going up 3x-5x, etc.), but today, I conclude that following these leads was always a failed and bad decision for me.

Today, all bare-metal servers that I heard were rentable are low price low core servers (sour x5 :skull:), while I have pricey monster machines ($450/month to $1500/month). Yeah, expensive, but trust me, it was worth it in version 1.4.18… well before all rewards from that version got shrunk.

I would reconsider renewing my float if I were 100% certain a x2 increase in the interval between rewards is guaranteed approaching version 2.0, but it seems nothing can be certain about it.

I would have love to stay, and build the Q network with you all but currently, having no guarantee on the “at least” x2 improved time interval, and even though, I’m pretty sad to leave the adventure, [redacted by mod due to price/speculative discussion].

Unless some unexpected comment that explain/shows me something I haven’t seen, I guess I must quit this adventure.

Thanks for reading!


Do the math based on your data to make the best decision. Don’t trust – test and verify assumptions. Don’t overleverage. This is a project in development. There’s no guarantee of profitability. Adjust your expectations accordingly.


You gotta do what you gotta do

If the math doesn’t work and you can’t keep running running nodes at a lose then it’s time to move on

I’m currently happy to run at a lose if needed as I gained so much from running early nodes, so I feel I should give back


This part is incredibly painful and captures our collective experience perfectly. Sometimes, you just have to do what needs to be done. I feel you!