How to update outdated node?

Hi everybody,
Iwrite this message because since 2 weeks, my node doesn’t work well.2 weeks ago, I made an update of my node and after that I tryed to see info of my node, but i had error message. I tryed to see my QUIL balance and error message again. I tryed to restart my node several times but nothing has changed.
I tryed to restart Set up gRPCurl, but nothing, I tryed to check my node visibility but nothing so I tryed to follow documentation of Quilibrium but still nothing.
So I hope that somebody could help me now. I’m not a developer or technical person. As you can see, I join to my topic, some attached files.
Thank you.

Most probably your node works but the script you used to manage is not updated.

You should remove the script then reinstall. Not mentioning about node, the qOne script.

Alternatively, you can try with Quilibrium for Dummies with that command

rm -f && wget && chmod +x && ./

what about my quil, maybe i will loose it

Installing these scripts only will not damage your node if you know what you do.

Alternatively, you can run commands manually instead of using these tools.

ok i will try, but as like i said, i’m not ingeneer or developer

Make sure to create a back up of the ceremonyclient/node/.config directory before you make any changes. This contains your quil.

As you can see my node doesn’t work anymore! I have a backup of my config.yml, keys.yml and Is it possible to re-install my node and paste my backup?

Update the QONE menu and try again, you are running an old version, run this:

wget -O ~/ && chmod +x ~/ && ./

most likely your node works but you need to:
rerun option 3 (gRPCurl)
and then start the node and wait 15-30 minutes before querying the node info and balance

ok thank you so much

here i am again. I’ve followed your instructions, I went out for 3 hours, and now i’m back home and when I want to see my balance I have again an error message. I don’t know why

have you run option 3 as well?

in your node/.config/config.yml fiel there needs to be some configurations

follow this tutorial and look into the file to see if everything is correct

DO NOT share that file with anyone as it contains your private key

If you cannot debug this, one solution is to reinstall your node from scratch.
see: Reinstalling the node from scratch |

BUT if you follow that tutorial and you have misconfigurations in your config.yml file, this won’t solve anything, because you would be using a backup of the same file.

yes i run option 3 and after i let my node running during 3 hours

the Node Info option in the QONE menu is running this command (if you are on linux)

cd ~/ceremonyclient/node && ./node-1.4.21-linux-amd64 -node-info

try to run it manually, if you get the same error then the problem is in your node configs and not in the script itself

if you checked your config.yml file as suggested and everything looks fine, other issues could be your installation folder (it should be “root/…”, not “home/user/…”)

i have check the backup config file and the config file on the server and there is 2 differences, but i don’t know if it is the problem

config.yml of 6/11/24:
traceLogFile: “”
minPeers: 0
network: 0
provingKeyId: default-proving-key

and config.yml of 7/15/24:
traceLogFile: “”
minPeers: 0
network: 0
statsMultiaddr: “/dns/”
provingKeyId: default-proving-key

other difference
config.yml of 6/11/24:
maxFrames: -1
pendingCommitWorkers: 4
minimumPeersRequired: 0
statsMultiaddr: “”
dataWorkerBaseListenMultiaddr: “”
dataWorkerBaseListenPort: 0
dataWorkerMemoryLimit: 0
difficulty: 0
path: .config/store
listenGrpcMultiaddr: “”
listenRESTMultiaddr: “”
logFile: “”

and config.yml of 7/15/24:
maxFrames: -1
pendingCommitWorkers: 4
minimumPeersRequired: 0
statsMultiaddr: “”
dataWorkerBaseListenMultiaddr: “”
dataWorkerBaseListenPort: 0
dataWorkerMemoryLimit: 0
difficulty: 0
path: .config/store
logFile: “”
listenGrpcMultiaddr: “/ip4/”
listenRESTMultiaddr: “/ip4/”

correct configs are here

Yesterday i have reinstall my node using your documentation, i have re-run gRPCurl. Ihave let my node running all the night and this morning, all is ok. I can read my node info and my Quil balance. I would like to thank you for your patience. See you