Q vs ETH vs SOL - raw specs compared - help needed!

Hey everyone,
I need help with this wiki article

I have extracted these data from one of Cassie’s videos but I don’t have the knowledge to explain them in plain english.
By looking at the specs it’s clear that Q is more powerful than ETH and SOL, but I’d like to give some more detailed explanation as well.

This can draw attention from technical people, so the article needs to be very precise.

I’ll post the images here as well so you can add your input, and I’ll grab what I need for the Wiki article.

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I asked Claude to explain the images, here is the result:
Highlighted are the things that need improving, or I think are not correct…


This image compares the raw technical specifications (specs) of three different blockchain networks or “parallels” - Quilibrium Parallels, Eth 2.0 Parallels, and Solana Parallels.

Quilibrium Parallels:

  • It has a very fast max clock speed of around 54 million operations per second (54MHz) for each core.
  • The CPU is a powerful multicore processor with up to ~10^98 cores (1 followed by 98 zeros), using something called “Garbled Circuits” technology.
  • Around 19kB of global memory, plus 1GB of dedicated RAM per core .
  • The storage or HDD is RAID6-like, with a maximum capacity of an extremely large number (1.8765 x 10^107 bytes or around 18 million terabytes).

Eth 2.0 Parallels:

  • It has a clock speed of around 650kHz, which is much slower than Quilibrium.
  • The CPU is a single instruction, stack-based processor using something called “EVM bytecode” and is “Turing Complete” (can run any computation).
  • It needs a full 1TB of RAM to store the entire history of the network.
  • The storage is around 100GB, with 6 million sectors and data retained for 18 days within the network.

Solana Parallels:

  • Its clock speed is around 106MHz, faster than Eth 2.0 but slower than Quilibrium.
  • The CPU is also single instruction, but event-based and using eBPF (a type of code), and is Turing Complete like Eth 2.0.
  • It needs around 100GB of RAM to store a pruned (reduced) version of the network’s history.

In summary, Quilibrium seems to have the most powerful specs with extremely fast speed, many cores, tons of RAM and massive storage capacity. Solana is faster than Eth 2.0 but has lower RAM and storage. The trade-offs relate to their design goals and use cases.