Comprehensive 2.0 FAQ

  • When is the 2.0 launch?
    • Originally planned for today, but things are taking longer (but otherwise is going fine, as seen on and per some of the updates, don’t expect it to be finished before 24.7.2024; tldr; it’s going on right now.
  • Why is the 2.0 launch important? What does it enable?
    • It is important of many ways with some of the key highlights being:
      • we are able to auto-mint our QUIL tokens as node-runners automatically and it’s done automatically without us needing to run mint commands
      • we can start developing apps/tokens, etc. (all tokens are apps, fyi) on Quil with 2.0
  • Is there a Q explorer (like Etherscan)?
    • In short, no. Quilibrium is private by design and while you can get a queriable a history of a token to see if it’s touched an address, you don’t know when or how often. This means there is no public ledger to see all transactions on.
  • What is next on the Q roadmap after 2.0?
    • Add developer documentation and build out the fundamental services of the internet that people like, i.e. file storage (S3), executable code, etc, and some type of domain service
  • What are people building on Q right now?
    • I know of a NFT, I’m building a node manager app for interfacing with your node/Account (zero-knowledge)
  • Is there developer documentation available?
  • Is there going to be a Q native DEX?
    • Absolutely-- are you going to build it? :wink:
  • What is the status of Q Inc?
  • Does Q have any marketing plans?
    • From what I’m aware: not really. This isn’t intended to be a fast burning project. It was intended to grow slowly as to be mature enough to essentially stand on it’s own if some entity with a lot of weight came swinging it around scrutinizing everything.
    • Maybe at some point. But nothing official at this point.
  • Will the Twitch streams continue? Where can I access previous recordings?
    Previous recordings are available here: Collection of Video Links - General - Quilibrium Forum
  • What are the official Q socials? How come there is no official X, Telegram, Discord?
    • here:
    • Telegram: invite only due to spammers joining, but it’s supposed to shifted here if the migration (to here) is successful
    • Nothing official otherwise because it’s hard to monitor/audit/moderate speculative content when the project lead/owner wants to avoid being accused of leading people on about prices (i.e. SEC regs about what is an investment contract or not)
  • What is the performance of the network at 2.0? How does it compare to other L1s?
  • How many developers are contributing to Q right now?
    • Mainly just Cassie, but there are other people doing minor/smaller tasks