PSA: 2.0 Launch Steps

Hi folks!

For those who saw the stream earlier tonight this is going to mostly be a repeat, but the launch process for 2.0 is a lot more involved than our typical upgrades, so I wanted to take a moment to enumerate what those steps are, and make some quick time-related announcements so people know what to expect.

  1. Bootstrap readiness: Locking in the 2.0 set of bootstrap peers. If you want to run a bootstrap peer for 2.0, or are running one currently and don’t want to, please submit a PR – example here: Add a bootstrap peer by ninj696 · Pull Request #267 · QuilibriumNetwork/ceremonyclient · GitHub. We will stop accepting PRs for new bootstrap peers in the 2.0 update at Friday, July 19 at 8:00 pm PDT. You can continue to add PRs, they just won’t be included until the next update.
  2. Pausing the bridge: In order to encode the state of all presently bridged QUIL into the deployed bridge application on Q, we will need to stop the bridge. This will be started shortly after the bootstrap inclusion has stopped. The Quilibrium website will be updated first to have a status message in place of the reward claim button, and once the CDN has been fully purged of the prior site release, then the bridge will be stopped. If you want to bridge to the ERC-20 before this occurs, do this before Friday, July 19 at 8:00 pm PDT.
  3. Bridge state: After the bridge has been paused, the bridge mint events will be accumulated into the bridged token state as part of the preflight data for 2.0.
  4. 2.0 Release rollout
  5. Token application + Bridge deployment: The token application itself, the bridge application in an initially paused state, time-limited hybrid mint functionality (1.4.19/20/21 proofs + live network proofs), initial state of pre/post1.4.18 and all non-bridged QUIL to reward addresses, bridged QUIL to bridge address.
  6. Unpausing the bridge

This is a measure thrice, cut once deployment. Patience is going to be very critical here, and extreme caution will need to be exercised. In that vein, once step two has been completed, steps 3-6 will go through testnet verification first. This will likely take several hours to run through every step and confirm. will be updated every step of the way. If anything fails verification in the deployment, we will make an announcement accordingly with updated timeframes. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint – we will not take risks for the sake of speed, the mission is above all.


Thanks Cassie. I live in the UK so I haven’t had a chance to watch your stream yet. Are there any time-critical actions that node runners have to perform on Saturday 20th - i.e. reconfiguring or updating the ceremony client?

Are there anything to do on noderunners side at these steps?

How long does it take ttime-limited hybrid mint functionality?

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Is it possible to transfer money by command after 2.0? I have 20 nodes, if each node to ethereum casting that consume GAS is very high, can advance to a collection of nodes to casting?

thank you for the detailed update timeline of the mainnet launch. is there a recording of the stream?

for all intents and purposes, personally, i will wait for one of the guides posted from the community to upgrade my (many) nodes and only try and utilize the new Qclient and bridge after is fully thru the above process.

im not fully clear on the “time-limited hybrid mint” functionality - but im assuming the same level of functionality for claiming of 1.4.18 and prior version rewards along with 1.4.19+ locally stored proofs will be available to claim in the final 2.0 version of the qclient bridge and cross mint $wQuil function, correct? Looking forward to some more clarity on practical use here. many thanks.

You will be able to transfer all QUIL to one node and bridge from there in 1 transaction



If you are running a node you don’t need to do anything, just manually update the node when the new release is available. If you the update should be automatic.


Thanks (thanks also for answering on Telegram)

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what is bootstrap peer? I’m running a node for mining $QUIL, do I need to apply for being a bootstrap peer node?

I am very interested in this operation. Do I need to wait until 2.0 to initiate a pending transaction? Also, please let me know about the qclient token transfer <Amount|OfCoin> described in the guide. Is ToAccount the Peer ID to which I transfer, and is RefundAccount the Peer ID from which I transfer?

yes. You will need to wait.

The ToAccount would be to whom you’re sending to and the RefundAccount is by default the address you’re sending from. You will be sharing the RefundAccount with the person receiving the transaction-- however if both sender and receiver is you, then no big deal.

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ToAccount mean the Peer ID?

yup, all addresses are Peer IDs


Thank you very much for answering my question. Now I have another question. If 2.0 is launched, will there be a window period for me to switch to $wQuil? I found someone on Discord saying that there will be a limited time for minting. In addition to switching to Ethereum, are there other channels?

There is a limited time for claiming pre-2.0 rewards.

This claiming process is only done the QUIL network. This process does not involve wQUIL. wQUIL is the official Ethereum version of QUIL-- not the native token of QUIL on the Quilibrium network.

This means you will be claiming on the QUIL tokens on the Quilibrium network itself and once claimed you can then transfer/bridge to wQUIL (or whatever network is available in the future) whenever you want-- no expiration.

If you don’t claim your QUIL tokens on the Quilibrium network before the expiration you won’t be able to claim them ever again (and therefore you couldn’t bridge to Ethereum’s network).


Your answer is very important to me, thank you very much. May I ask whether I should claim it before 2.0 or after, and how to claim it? Thank you very much for your patient answer

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I didn’t know this. Could you point me to more info on the matter?
This is very sensitive, and I think we need to make a very clear announcement about it or people are going to get angry…