Reopen claim and bridge discussion

Since the 2.0 launch delayed so many times,the press for node runners become bigger and bigger.
Is there a chance that reopen the claim and bridge first before 2.0 , let the node runners pay for their electricity and server bills ?
Anyone support this can leave a message bellow , hope Cassie can see this and we all support you !


Do you mean to reopen the bridge to claim rewards accumulated until May that haven’t been claimed yet? Rewards accumulated since then are not claimable on the bridge.

Short answer is: it wouldn’t make sense to do so.

To be clear, this is my perspective, not an official answer (I don’t have that capacity, just personal experience with these types of projects).

The long answer, from my perspective is:

The amount of time it will take to implement or rework the planned bridge implementation to be compatible with 1.4.21.X would just push 2.0 even further.

This isn’t a simple, copy/paste of the old bridge to work with 1.4.19+ rewards (the ones your nodes are tracking) the way rewards are tracked has changed a lot since the old rewards were tabulated and manually assigned. It was also a one-way bridge-- you couldn’t bring wQuil back to Quilibrium’s network (yet)-- it was just designed to be throw-away implementation in anticipation of 2.0 making the whole process automatic.

To recap:
The last time rewards were distributed:

  • Rewards were calculated by writing a script to read the network logs and assign each node a reward amount based on that
  • These rewards were assigned to the node and saved to a massive file and the system then minted this amount of QUIL when that address would try to claim
  • Users could optionally claim & bridge (all or nothing) to move that QUIL to wQUIL


  • Rewards are automatically tracked by the node itself
  • Rewards are not claimed yet, which is why the node balances are labeled as “unclaimed balances”
  • This means the tokens are not yet minted into QUIL yet
  • The bridge is not aware of these tokens (it only tracked what was minted, which was what people chose to transfer to wQUIL)
  • it only has to be aware of tokens it issued out to wQuil


  • unclaimed rewards, like now, are automatically tracked by the node itself
  • unclaimed rewards will be minted automatically (by default) into QUIL by turning in proofs rather than accumulating like now
  • The bridge will automatically be aware of these tokens coming in and out, i.e. it will be two way, meaning it will hold tokens out of circulation in Quilibrium while they are transferred to Ethereum (or any other network) and vice versa.

Essentially to make it work in the way you’d want, there would need to be a partial roll-out of 2.0 for just the reward mechanisms along with an partially updated bridge. While perhaps feasible in theory, the cost/benefit ratio to change (revert in most cases at this point) all the code involved with such a deployment would essentially cause even more delays than it’s worth.

I won’t repeat myself, so I will point to my other article in reference to operating a node:


I would say this is a good idea :grinning: