When will 2.0 be updated and when can I withdraw my coins?

欢迎!2.0 预计将在 1.4.20(1.4.20 将于 2024/06/21 发布,因此 2.0 将于 2024/07/05 发布)或 1.4.21(将是 2024/07/05,因此是 2024/07/19)发布两周后推出。安全的假设是 2024/07/19。Quilibrium 上的提款将随着 2.0 本身的发布而解锁。

Welcome! 2.0 is projected to launch two weeks after 1.4.20 (which launches 2024/06/21, and so for 2.0, 2024/07/05), or 1.4.21 (2024/07/05, and so for 2.0, 2024/07/19). A safe assumption would be 2024/07/19. Withdrawals on Quilibrium will be unlocked with the launch of 2.0 itself.